
GRAY WOLF Aluminized molten metals and heat resistance Safety gloves

ART # Rsafe-GW7500ACKCSC5

GRAY WOLF Aluminized molten metals and heat resistance Safety gloves
Art # : GW7500ACKCSC5

Certified GRAY WOLF Aluminized molten metals and heat resistance Safety gloves

Gray Wolf by RSAFE, is an innovative high performance technical material. It is engineered with a patented process involving application of an aluminized coating on premium grade leather. An additional layer of DuPont Kevlar fabric provides unbeatable mechanical and thermal resistance.

There is no Gray Wolf equivalent aluminized leather substitute available anywhere. We are a leader in protection in critical environments where exposure to extreme temperature, radiant heat and molten metal splashes present a serious occupational hazards.

Gray Wolf has the trust of leading steel mills and metal and glass works where we proud to protect the work force with our leading edge technology.

Steel Mills.

Smelters and Furnaces.
Metal Fabrication and welding.
Industrial and commercial Ovens.
Metal foundries and forges.
Glass Manufacturing.
Radiant Barriers.
The suits are not recommended for Fire Entry Purpose, The suit is designed to protect the user from High Radiant, Conductive and Convective heat

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ART # Rsafe-GW7500ACKCSC5

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